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    TEL :0755-23271889 / 33034764  
    Industry knowledge
    locations:Industry knowledge
    Icy summer cushions are user reputation as "No power in the air conditioning."

    Icy cushion in the summer super cool summer cooling effect detonated a revolution of new products, you think about it, have a "no power of small air-conditioning" can have a cool and pleasant environment for it! 。


    Ice drivers cushion, sofa cushion cool, cool student pad, cool pillows, mattresses and cool, no power automatic cooling, sit a few minutes that I instantly feel cool and comfortable, with a refreshing refreshing addition to prickly heat, cooling antipyretic efficacy
    Built-in storage draws cool American advanced technology, contains natural minerals and synthetic polymer absorbing material, non-toxic, with thermostatic function, giving the feeling cool and comfortable spot to use, effective spot. No electricity can be used repeatedly for up to five years of撤消修改Cancel
    CopyRight:ShenZhen Santang Technology Co. Ltd. Address:8FYinganBuilding,NO.196QinfenRoad,Shangtang,MinzhiStreet,LonghuaTown,Shenzhen City,
    Guangdong Province  Tel:+086-755-23271889 33034764 Fax:+086-755-27766227 MOB:18826569696
    Portable electric warm gloves/Portable electric warm shoes/insole/Portable electric warm clothes/Portable electric therapy equipment maintenance/USB electric heat/preservation products series/first choice Shenzhen Santang Technology
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