• 威尼斯144777cm

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    TEL:0755-23271889 / 33034764  
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    Aim: quality first reputation-based

    Spirit: integrity and innovation and hard work and dedication

    Target: first-class enterprise class products

    Faith: people-oriented scientific management from continuing operations

    Quality policy: strict manufacturing and timely delivery of well-designed service

    Service tenet: quality of work for survival with the credibility of its mission the development of customer interest

    CopyRight :ShenZhen Santang Technology Co. Ltd. Address :8FYinganBuilding,NO.196QinfenRoad,Shangtang,MinzhiStreet,LonghuaTown,Shenzhen City ,
    Guangdong Province  Tel :+086-755-23271889 33034764 Fax :+086-755-27766227 MOB:18826569696
    Portable electric warm gloves/Portable electric warm shoes/insole/Portable electric warm clothes/Portable electric therapy equipment maintenance/USB electric heat/preservation products series/first choice Shenzhen Santang Technology
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